Carts reserved inventory

Create urgency and drive sales by highlighting the number of items already reserved in other customers’ carts. Letting shoppers see how quickly stock is moving builds excitement, encourages faster decisions, and reduces hesitation.

This metafield is automatically updated for variants as carts are being created or updated throughout the storefront. The number of variants (by quantity) across all carts is calculated and the metafield is live updated. By definition, this is then a best-effort estimate of the number of items currently in other customers’ carts and what would potentially be ordered from your stock, if the carts were to be ordered as-is.

A cart, that doesn't get updated within 10 minutes, gets dismissed and the cart's reservations are released - the cart is either abandoned or turned into an actual order.


  • Name

    Metafield namespace and key

  • Name

    Metafield type

  • Name

    Scope of Shopify object that owns the metafield

Example implementation

{% assign reserved_inventory = product.selected_or_first_available_variant.metafields.espresso.reserved_inventory.value %}

{% if reserved_inventory %}
        {{ reserved_inventory }} units of this item is currently being checked out. Get yours while we have them.
{% endif %}

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