Lowest price last 30 days
Keep track of and display the lowest price over the last 30 days when promoting discounts. This ensures compliance with the EU Omnibus Directive and reassures customers they’re getting a great deal, boosting confidence in their purchase.
This metafield is automatically set to the lowest price seen per variant over the last 30 days. When you initially enable the metafield in Espresso, no metafields will be set, but a baseline for future price updates is established. As each variant's price changes over time, the previous price will move into a price history. The metafield will be continously be set or updated to show the lowest price in a 30 days rolling window.
In all EU countries traders are obliged, when offering a discount, to indicate the lowest price applied to the item at least 30 days before the announcement of the price reduction. More details here.
- Name
- Description
Metafield namespace and key
- Name
- Description
Metafield type
- Name
- Description
Scope of Shopify object that owns the metafield
Example implementation
{% assign lowest_price_30_days = product.selected_or_first_available_variant.metafields.espresso.lowest_price_30_days.value %}
{% if lowest_price_30_days %}
Lowest price seen in 30 days: {{ lowest_price_30_days | money }}
{% endif %}